Our Lady of Siluva
Pictured in Stained Glass
at Putnam
Years ago, the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary built a chapel at their Motherhouse in Putnam, Connecticut. It has stained glass windows, two of which depict Our Lady of Siluva. One window is of Our Lady pictured with the pastor of Siluva, an angel holding the inscription, the Church of Siluva and the emblem – the pillars of Gediminas, a Grand Duke of Lithuania. (The original painting was in Byzantine style.) The second window – the Apparition of Our Lady of Siluva depicts Mary holding the Infant Jesus in her arms, the astonished Calvinist minister, who witnessed the apparition the second day, a shepherd boy looking up at the apparition, and a young shepherdess.
In an outside niche of the chapel, there is a white marble statue of Our Lady of Siluva. A particle of the true stone, on which Our Lady of Siluva appeared, is inserted in the pedestal of this statue.
The Sisters encourage the faithful towards a special devotion to the Mother of Christ under the title of Our Lady of Siluva.

White marble statue in Lithuanian style of Our Lady of Siluva in an outside niche of the Chapel of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Putnam, Connecticut.
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